Key Project Features
Roadway Improvements
- Reconstruction of deteriorated pavement using recycled materials to meet City standards.
- Addition of a mini-roundabout at 17th Street NE for better traffic management, including traffic speeds along the southern portion of Lander Avenue.
- Additional turn lane on 32nd Street at the County Highway 19 intersection.

Pedestrian and Trail Enhancements
- Construction of a new sidewalks along 32nd Street NE and the east side of Main Street S (County Highway 19), filling a gap in the city’s sidewalk and trail network.
- Upgrades to existing trails, including ADA compliance and resurfacing.
- Enhanced crosswalks with flashing beacons for increased pedestrian safety.
Traffic Calming Enhancements
Wider edgelines to visually narrow roads and reduce speeds.
Driver feedback signs to encourage speed limit compliance.
Utility Improvements
- Minor improvements to sanitary sewer and watermain systems to preserve their functionality and extend their useful life.
- Replacement of metal roadway culverts with reinforced concrete for long-term durability. Residential driveway culverts will be inspected and repaired or replaced if they are not functional.